pain Oct 01, 2020
During my 6th month of pregnancy, when I would lean over, I felt a tingling sensation in my lower ribs.
I was thinking
"I still have 4 more months to go, and I can already feel my organs pressing into my ribs!?!?"
Leaning over, my organs are pressing into my ribs!
Sitting up takes the pressure off my ribs.
I know a simple adjustment of my posture takes the pressure off, for now.
But as baby grows taking me into my 3rd trimester, he will proceed further up my torso along with all my organs that use to be placed perfectly below my ribs.
What exactly is pressing up your ribs during pregnancy??
The answer: the diaphragm, which covers the organs like an umbrella, and those are being pushed up and back by the AMAZING growing uterus, as you can see in the image above, that will increase its capacity by 500 times by the end of a full-term pregnancy!
Pilates - Based Exercises That Help
In addition to practicing posture awareness throughout the day, the following lengthening stretches will help create room in the torso for your growing baby:
All 4's - Oppositional Reaching
Lengthens the spine and torso, creating space for the expanding uterus
Strengthens the core
Strengthens balance and proprioception - the awareness of your body moving through space
1. Start in Neutral Pelvis - Inhale - Hug the baby; Push away from the mat; Keep focus down. You should feel a long line from out through the top of your head, and back through the tail.
2. Slide Opposite Arm and Leg across mat - Exhale- You should feel the arm and leg sliding away from each other. It is important that the hand and foot are making contact with the mat before they lift off.
3. Float and Reach arm and leg up - Continue to Exhale - Keep focus down and reach long, feeling an oppositional pull, hugging the baby.
4. Reach, lengthening the spine - Breath slowly - Make sure to keep hugging the baby, keeping a neutral pelvis. Lift the arm only as high as the ear and the leg parallel and straight, staying in-line with the hip.
Think of reaching, rather than balancing in this position for only a few seconds by continuing to reach in opposite directions, keeping a neutral pelvis, and pushing away from the mat with the supporting arm and leg. Breath slowly.
Repeat on the other side, doing each side 4 times (a suggestion). The number of repetitions is not important. The quality of the movement is more important than quantity.
I have my toes tucked under. This provides more stability and stretches the feet. If having the toes tucked is uncomfortable or difficult, keep them flat.
Long Side Stretch
Creates space through the torso
Emphasizes lifting through the sides rather then collapsing
1. Stand Tall squeezing arms to ears, reach up to the sky and down through your feet, hugging the baby.
2. Lift Up and begin to reach over, lifting up and over, being careful not collapse in the side you're bending from.
3. Continue to reach over, leading with the ball
4. Let opposite hip reach away and turn head to look up to the opposite diagonal.
Inhale before each movement, and exhale moving into each movement.
Keep baby to the spine-Hugging the baby.
Careful not to arch the back
Remember to make sure to smile and have fun!
Spending just a few minutes throughout the day paying attention to your body is contributing to that personal body bank account that will support you for life!
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